Saturday, December 19, 2015

Goran Živković Gorki, Psihoslajdovi

Cover and layout for new poetry book by Serbian slam poet Goran Živković Gorki, Psihoslajdovi (Psychoslides). This is my second time to work on his book, first one was SPALIPAČITAJ, in 2012.
Drawing on the front cover by Nevena Tomić
Illustration in the book by Predrag Stamenković 
Zero edition, Selfpublished

The first homeless man on the Moon, Goran was born in Niš on September 9th 1984. By profession: a clerk, an economist, a storeman, a night guard and a radio presenter, he’s been occupying himself with photography for a long time. His poetry has been published in numerous literary journals throughout Serbia.
He’s been writing, travelling and performing since 2007. His poetry supports the concept of poetic performance without reading from a paper, accompanied by one or two musical instruments, as well as a projector and a movie screen that serves as a backdrop and visual support for him as the performer.
Together with Miljan Milanovic as co-author, in 2010, he edited a poetry collection “Tortu kroz prozor’’("Cake Through the Window"), a traveling circus for spreading poetry in places and institutions where there is no Facebook, just a microphone and a bookcase.
In 2012, published his first book “SPALIPAČITAJ”(‘’Burn-then-Read’’) which won Branko’s Award, for the best debut collection of poetry in Serbia. He also won Vojislav Despotov Award, Ulaznica 2014, and the Audience Award for the best slam poet in Serbia- in 2011, 2013 and 2015.

2nd Collage for Le Monde Diplomatique in Serbian

Moja ilustracija za 6. broj srpskog izdanja magazina Le Monde Diplomatique koji izlazi jednom mesečno uz Nedeljnik. Hvala Ivici Mladenoviću na pozivu.
My illustration for 6th issue of Serbian edition of Le Monde Diplomatique magazine, published monthly, and coming as a part of a weekly magazine Nedeljnik. Thanks to Ivica Mladenović for inviting me.

Le Monde Diplomatique dates back to 1954. It began as a journal to keep diplomats up to date on world events. It is a monthly newspaper offering analysis and opinion on politics, culture, and current affairs. Based in Paris, under the umbrella of the French daily newspaper Le Monde, it soon acquired an international reputation for its incisive monthly articles. In 1996 it won editorial and financial independence by forming its own company. LMD is now more than ever a truly international newspaper linking people who take a serious interest in world events across the globe. 2.5 million people worldwide read Le Monde Diplomatique, there are 72 different editions (print and internet) and it is published in 26 languages.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Poezin u Casi, poster

Cover and poster for the new season of poetry events, organized by Poezin, in the club Casa Garcia in Belgrade.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Ja mogu - korak napred | Kreativni centar

Dizajn korica i grafičko oblikovanje za knjigu priručnik

Ja mogu - korak napred 

muzicke aktivnosti i vizuelni simboli u funkciji podsticanja razvoja dece

Izdavač: Kreativni centar

Priručnik sadrži osnovne napomene o muzičkim sadržajima i aktivnostima koje vaspitači i druge odrasle osobe mogu da koriste u radu s decom, navodi način na koji se ti sadržaji primenjuju u praksi, objašnjava ulogu vizuelnih sredstava (kartica) u procesu učenja, kao i način njihove izrade.

Objašnjenja i primeri primene muzičkih sadržaja i aktivnosti odnose se na rad sa svom decom, uz posebne osvrte na rad s decom sa smetnjama u razvoju.

Sa promocije: Knjiga i torta "Ja mogu"

Monday, November 16, 2015

Bela noć! / The White Night!

Video Bela noć, po istoimenoj pesmi srpskog slem pesnika Gorana Živkovića Gorkog, iz njegove nove zbirke pesama Psihoslajdovi.
Goran se ove nedelje takmiči na Evropskom slem šampionatu u Tartuu, Estonija, pa sam napravila jedan video za njega. Srećno!

Video Bela noć! (The White Night!), made on the poem by same title by Serbian slam poet Goran Živković Gorki, from his upcoming poetry book Psihoslajdovi (Psychoslides).
Goran is also competing this week on European Poetry Slam Championship and the 6th interdisciplinary culture festival “Crazy Tartu" in Tartu, Estonia, as a Serbian Slam Champion. 
Good luck!

Translated to English by Đorđe Vić
Film by Dragana Nikolić
Production: Poezin, 2015.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Dođi na jedno čudno mesto, Vesna Aleksić, Kreativni centar

Dizajn korica i male ilustracije poglavlja za novu knjigu Vesne Aleksić za tinejdžere, 
Izdavač: Kreativni centar, Beograd

Cover design and small chapter illustrations for the teenage book Come to a Strange Place by Vesna Aleksić. 
Publisher: Kreativni centar, Belgrade

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Collage for Le Monde Diplomatique in Serbian

Moja ilustracija za srpsko izdanje magazina Le Monde Diplomatique koji izlazi jednom mesečno uz Nedeljnik. Hvala Ivici Mladenoviću na pozivu da učestvujem.
My illustration for Serbian edition of Le Monde Diplomatique magazine, published monthly, and coming as a part of a weekly magazine Nedeljnik. Thanks to Ivica Mladenović for inviting me.

Le Monde Diplomatique dates back to 1954. It began as a journal to keep diplomats up to date on world events. It is a monthly newspaper offering analysis and opinion on politics, culture, and current affairs. Based in Paris, under the umbrella of the French daily newspaper Le Monde, it soon acquired an international reputation for its incisive monthly articles. In 1996 it won editorial and financial independence by forming its own company. LMD is now more than ever a truly international newspaper linking people who take a serious interest in world events across the globe. 2.5 million people worldwide read Le Monde Diplomatique, there are 72 different editions (print and internet) and it is published in 26 languages.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Pustolovina na ostrvu ptica, Aleksandar Sekulov, Kreativni centar

Dizajn korica za novu ediciju za tinejdžere Moj svet i knjigu bugarskog pisca Aleksandra Sekulova Pustolovina na ostrvu ptica.
Izdavač: Kreativni centar, Beograd

Cover design for a teenage book by Bulgarian author Aleksandar Sekulov.
Publisher: Kreativni centar, Belgrade, Serbia

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

17 godina i neviđeno zgodan, Ema Granholm, Kreativni centar

Dizajn korica za knjigu za tinejdžere 17 godina i neviđeno zgodan, švedske autorke Eme Granholm,
(uz pomoć kolege Dušana Pavlića koji je sredio kosu :) )
Izdavač: Kreativni centar
Design for a teenage book by Swedish author Emma Granholm.
Publisher: Kreativni centar

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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blago voća i povrća, Dobrica Erić, Kreativni centar

Dizajn i prelom za dečju knjigu poezije Blago voća i povrća, Dobrice Erića.
Ilustracije: Marica Kicušić
Za ovu knjigu sam i napravila font Serifko, za naslov knjige i naslove pesama u knjizi.
Izdavač: Kreativni centar, Beograd

Design and layout for a children's book The Treasure of Fruit and Vegetables by Dobrica Erić.
Illustrated by: Marica Kicušić
For this occasion I've made a font Serifko, for the titles.
Publisher: Kreativni centar, Belgrade.

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Modra planina, Kreativni centar

Dizajn korica i prelom za dečju knjigu dramskih tekstova Modra planina, autorke Dragane Kršenković-Brković.
Ilustracije: Kosta Milovanović
Izdavač: Kreativni centar, Beograd.

Cover design and layout for a children book of plays.
Illustrated by: Kosta Milovanović
Publisher: Kreativni centar, Belgrade.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Łukasz Mańczyk - Biserka

My two photos of Biserka Rajčić have been used on the cover of the book Biserka, by Łukasz Mańczyk, about this great and productive Serbian author and translator from Polish.
Publisher: Universitas, Kraków, Poland, 2015.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Poetry City Festival 2

Plakat za festival Poetski grad 
Organizator: Poezin, Beograd
26., septembar, 20h
Magacin, Kraljevića Marka, Beograd

Poster for a Poetry City Festival, Belgrade.
Organizer: Poezin, Belgrade
26th September, 8pm
Magacin, Kraljevića Marka 4

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

O knjizi Zoo otac, Paskal Peti

Na dogadjaju "Izbliza i prisno" Anne Rostokine, u klubu Leila, 10. juna 2015.
O poeziji Paskal Peti i o ilustracijama za srpsko izdanje njene zbirke "Zoo otac"

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Klaudiju Komartin, Vrpce potaman za balu mesa

Book cover for poetry book by Claudiu Komartin, poet from Romania.
Translated by Ljubinka Stankov Perinac.
Publisher: Treći Trg.
Komartin was guest of the 9th Belgrade Poetry and Book Festival, Serbia.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Efrosini Manda-Lazaru, Noje u gradu

Dizajn za knjigu poezije grčke pesnikinje Efrosini Manda-Lazaru, Noje u gradu.
Izdavač: Treći Trg, Beograd

New cover for poetry book by Greek poet Euphrosyne Manta–Lazarou, Noah in The City.
Publisher: Treći Trg, Belgrade, Serbia

Monday, April 27, 2015

Poster for a poetry book promotion

Poster for a promotion of a poetry book by young Belgrade poet Ana Marija Grbić, published by Lom, Belgrade, Serbia.

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Tale That Killed Emily Knorr

Dizajn za dvojezičnu knjigu (na engleskom i srpskom) Milorada Pavića - Priča koja je ubila Emiliju Knor
Pored toga što je izašla u elektronskom izdanju na Kindlu, pre nekoliko dana pojavila se i u tvrdom povezu, u izdanju Derete, Beograd, Srbija
"Da li je vrhunac pripovedačkog umeća priča koja može da izmeni ustaljene odnose u svetu? Priča koja može da ubije i da, u pejzažima snova proze Milorada Pavića, bude ubijena. Da li su se Emiliji Konor na sudbinskim putevima, kao kob, prokletstvo ili blagoslov, ukazale priče Milorada Pavića ili je pisac želeo da samo napiše romansiranu autobiografiju. Proza koja je u isto vreme i priča i roman, lek i otrov..." 

Cover design for bilingual book (in English and Serbian) by Milorad Pavić - The Tale That Killed Emily Knorr.
E-book can be ordered via
and recently published hardcover in Dereta publishing house, Belgrade, Serbia
"This book is is bilingual. When read from one side, it is written in English. When flipped over and read from the other side, it is written in Serbian. Is the peak of a story-teller's art a tale that can change the standing order of the world? A tale that can kill, and which, in dreamy landscapes of Milorad Pavic's prose, can be killed. Did Pavic's tales find Emily Knorr on her destiny's road as a coincidence, a curse or a blessing, or the author just wanted to write a romanced autobiography? Prose which is at the same time a tale and a novel, a cure and a poison..."


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

9th Belgrade Poetry and Book Festival Poster | Poezija je neprekidna svežina sveta

Poster for the international 9th Belgrade Poetry and Book Festival, from 6th till 9th May 2015.
with the verse by Serbian poet Dušan Matić:
Poezija je neprekidna svežina sveta / Poetry is the continuous freshness of the world 

Organizer: Treći Trg, Belgrade, Serbia.

Friday, March 20, 2015

My book cover on the cover of Non-Issue Magazine 041

NON-ISSUE is a two page magazine-like publication published biweekly and exclusively to subscribers, run by Maurice Bogaert & Bram Nijssen (editors).
This issue, 041, was dedicated to Belgrade scene, and they've chosen my work to be featured on their cover. Thank you!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Života Kosanović, Od Rta Nordkapp do Rta dobre nade

Dizajn za knjigu putopisa Živote Kosanovića, Od Rta Nordkapp do Rta dobre nade.
Samostalno izdanje.

Ova knjiga je svedočenje o jednom vrlo aktivnom životu, to je lekcija o toleranciji i važnosti upoznavanja planete. „Putovanja su kao knjige; onaj ko ne putuje stalno iznova čita jednu stranicu“, govorio je Sveti Avgustin. Knjiga Živote Kosanovića svedočanstvo je o stalnoj ličnoj nadgradnji, ali i o jednom novom „putovanju“ koje je pisac preduzeo: pisanju ovog putopisa!
iz recenzije Viktora Lazića

Cover design for a travel book by Života Kosanović, From the North Cape to the Cape of Good Hope.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Viktor Radonjić, Drame

Dizajn korica za knjigu Viktora Radonjića, Drame.
Izdavač: Treći Trg, Beograd

Cover design for the book Plays by Viktor Radonjić
Publisher: Treći Trg, Belgrade