5. Beogradski festival poezije i knjige u organizaciji Trećeg Trga, ove godine se održao od 25-28. maja, pod sloganom Promeni svoju pesmu (Branko Miljković).
Visual identity that I've done for the 5th Belgrade Poetry and Book Festival, that was held from 25th till 28th May 2011, with the slogan by Serbian poet Branko Miljkovic (1934-1961), CHANGE YOUR POEM.

Branko Miljković (1934-1961)
Razgovor koji je sve obuhvatao
Činio je preljubu. Promeni svoju pesmu!
Rad trgovanja duha strašnog moreplovca:
Hoćete li da vam prodam svoju noć?
Dolazi istina, biće mnogo mrtvih,
Nova pobožnost već je izmišljena.
Nemojte se nikad koristiti slobodom
I bićete slobodni: krv se ispisala.
Nad predelom bez nade sunce je veće;
Tu niče čudesni cvet glave: glavobolja,
Sama sebi dovoljna, otcepljena od sveta.
Tamo se od ljubavi umiralo dok se ljubilo!
Promeni svoju pesmu. Zar ćemo izdržati
Muziku kada nas bude darovalo vreme,
Brzinu koja se svemu ruga
I cvet kome je koren dozlogrdio!
Hvala Mii Matović, Ana Mariji Grbić, Juliji Felajn (Katarini Gaj) na pomoći oko vizuelnog identiteta i naravno, poeziji Branka Miljkovića :)
Ovog puta, želela sam da dočaram tu gorku, mračnu, crnu šumu, šumu koja je pojela nebo, svoje staze i izgubila se u sebi, te zelene čeljusti...
Prvo pevanje
Obreh se u nekoj mračnoj šumi
To je bila šuma koja je pojela nebo
šuma iz koje kad izađoh videh
da nisam izašao da su me zveri pojele
i znah da će biti gorko da pričam
o tome šta sam video i nisam
video kad uđoh u njen mrak i ne izađoh
iz te šume što je zelenim čeljustima
pojela svoje staze i izgubila se u sebi
postoji jedna topla obala breg zelenila i jedna Beatriča
ali su tri čeljusti tri makaze i tri noža
da voleo bih povratak
išao sam ispred sebe po isplakanom
putu i pesak je ujedao za stopala
ko staklo i videh pse koji su grizli zemlju
videh grešnike kako ih vitla zli vetar
nebo što laje i kišu prokletstva tešku i večitu
videh slepe vode Stiksa i blato mržnje
videh grad u plamenu i žene čije su ruke zmije
videh zid plača bez zvezda
i čuh reči bola u vrtlogu
onih koji su postali drvo ili kamen
i ne mogu se smrti nadati
onih jadnih koji se nikada nisu rodili
videh videh videh i čuh i zaplakah
svirala od zemlje od šume od krvi
dozivala drugu obalu
na kobnom žalu stajo narod i plako
o jao jao vama duše uklete
s balsamovanim rukama i usnama od krvi
videh videh videh čuh i padoh mrtav
o Aheronte Aheronte
sve strane sveta stiču se na tvojim obalama.
I found myself within a forest dark
It was a forest that ate the sky
the forest from which I came out to realize
that I did not come out that beasts have eaten me
and I knew that it will be bitter to tell
what I saw and didn't
see when I entered it's darkness and came out not
from that forest which ate its paths with green jaws
and got lost in itself
there is one warm shore hill of green and one
but there are three jaws three scissors and three knives
yes I would like to return
I went ahead of myself on the cried out road and sand was biting my feet
like glass and I saw dogs eating dirt
saw sinners being swung by the evil wind
sky that barks and rain of damnation heavy
and eternal
I saw blind waters of Stix and mud of hatred
I saw city in flames and women whose arms are snakes
I saw the wailing wall with no stars
and I heard words of pain in maelstrom
of those who became tree or a stone
and I can not hope for death
of those wretched that never've been born
I saw I saw I saw and heard and wept
flute of earth of forest
of blood
alluring the other shore
on the dire shore there stood people and wept
ay ay your damned souls
with balsamed arms and lips of blood
I saw I saw I saw and heard and fell dead
Oh Acheron Acheron
all sides of the world meet on your shores.
the forest from which I came out to realize
that I did not come out that beasts have eaten me
and I knew that it will be bitter to tell
what I saw and didn't
see when I entered it's darkness and came out not
from that forest which ate its paths with green jaws
and got lost in itself
there is one warm shore hill of green and one
but there are three jaws three scissors and three knives
yes I would like to return
I went ahead of myself on the cried out road and sand was biting my feet
like glass and I saw dogs eating dirt
saw sinners being swung by the evil wind
sky that barks and rain of damnation heavy
and eternal
I saw blind waters of Stix and mud of hatred
I saw city in flames and women whose arms are snakes
I saw the wailing wall with no stars
and I heard words of pain in maelstrom
of those who became tree or a stone
and I can not hope for death
of those wretched that never've been born
I saw I saw I saw and heard and wept
flute of earth of forest
of blood
alluring the other shore
on the dire shore there stood people and wept
ay ay your damned souls
with balsamed arms and lips of blood
I saw I saw I saw and heard and fell dead
Oh Acheron Acheron
all sides of the world meet on your shores.
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