Retrospektivna izložba modnih detalja i odevnih predmeta Dragice Dumanović-Radunović - Dume je otvorena od 11. do 21. januara 2011. u galeriji Singidunum, Kneza Mihaila 40, Beograd.
Srebrna boja na koricama, 54 strane u boji, većinu fotografija sam radila ja, i prilično sam iznenađena kako su dobro ispale s obzirom na uslove fotografisanja - na jednoj terasi (u sred decembra), pod dnevnim svetlom, uz pomoć "štapa i kanapa" :)
Retrospective exhibition of fashion accessories and wardrobe by Dragica Dumanovic-Radunovic - Duma (1947-2010) is open from 11th till 21st of January 2011. in Singidunum Gallery in Belgrade.
Silver colour on the cover, 54 pages full colour, and the most of the photos done by me, and I'm pretty much surprised how they all turned out, considering the conditions - without studio and professional lighting, on one terrase (in the middle of Decembre) :)
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