Treći plakat za Kung fu Poezin, još jednom delić čarobnog i zapuštenog sumračnog i sumnjivog, voljenog BIGZ-a, sa sedmog sprata + nacrtana Maneki Neko, Lucky Cat, mačka koja donosi sreću, koja se, otkad sam je kupila u Madridu prošle godine, pojavljuje po drugi put na mojim plakatima i pravi mi društvo na radnom stolu :)
Third poster for Kung fu Poezin, another part of the magical and rusty, dusky and cloudy, loved building of BIGZ, from the seventh floor + drawn Maneki Neko, Lucky Cat, who is, since I've bought it last year in Madrid, showing up for the second time on my posters and making me company on the desk :)

evo i delića tog sedmog sprata u levom krilu Bigza, desno je stepenište koje vodi prema jazz klubu Čekaonica, a pravo je studio/klub Kod Petrovića.
foto: dra
and here's that part of the seventh floor in the left wing of Bigz, on the right is the stairway that leads to the jazz club Čekaonica (Waiting Room), and straight forward is the studio/club Kod Petrovića (At Petrović's).
foto: dra
and here's that part of the seventh floor in the left wing of Bigz, on the right is the stairway that leads to the jazz club Čekaonica (Waiting Room), and straight forward is the studio/club Kod Petrovića (At Petrović's).
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