Foto: Biljana Rakočević

Još jedan plakat za 2. Kung fu Poezin u Zmajevom gnezdu u BIGZu.
Ovog puta sam ubacila i naslov na kineskom 功夫诗 (Kung fu, poezija) + Kung fu na ćirilici, fontom Miroslav (često zloupotrebljavanim u propagandnim materijalima desničarskih organizacija) + božur sa kineskih tkanina + nalepnicu kao za sniženje ili drugo izdanje + rukopis ++ Ivy League Outline font.
One more poster for Kung fu Poezin 02.
This time I put the title in Chinese also 功夫诗 (Kung fu, Poetry) + Kung fu in Cyrillic, with the Miroslav font (often misused in advertising by the right wing organizations) + peony from the Chinese fabrics + sticker for the discount or the second edition + handwriting ++ Ivy League Outline font.
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