Novi plakati za Poetski bioskop, dogadjaj koji pokreće Poezin, projekcije poetskih video radova svake druge nedelje u bifeu Ventil, u Kapetan Mišinoj 14, u Beogradu.
Ovog puta nisam htela da crtam po telu, već sam koristila video projektor da bih prenela crtež na telo, tj. tela :)
Hvala ljudima u klubu Akademija, koji su ustupili prostor i projektor, takođe, hvala Milanu, Siniši, Savi, Webmanu, Ceci i Ani.
Više o samom događaju i detaljima oko prijavljivanja na ovom linku:::
Početna ideja, tj, inspiracija bila je ruska avangarda i sjajni plakat braće Stenberg za film Čovek sa filmskom kamerom Džige Vertova iz 1929. :)
Ono što mi je posebno važno je to što su modeli obični ljudi. Nisam skidala mladeže i doterivala ih u photoshopu. Želela sam telo sa karakterom, sa pričom, ne savršeno telo iz časopisa.
Mislim da grafički dizajn može mnogo više od toga da samo prodaje proizvod...
New posters for Poetry Cinema, an event organized by Poezin, for poetry videos on every second Sunday in month, in buffet Ventil, Kapetan Misina 14, Belgrade.
This time I didn't want to draw on the body, but instead to transfer the drawing via video projector on the body. This was the first time for me to do such a thing, and I really wasn't sure how the things are gonna work out.
But thanks to people from club Akademija who gave us the space and the projector everything worked just fine :) Thanks everyone!
Ofcourse, the inspiration for this was the Russian avantguarde and the poster by the Stenberg brothers for the movie Man with the Movie Camera, by Dziga Vertov, from 1929.
What was the most important thing for me is that models are ordinary people. I didn't took off birthmarks and smoothed their skin in photoshop. I wanted a body with character, with a story, not a perfect body from the magazine.
I think that graphic design can do much more than simply sell a product...
