Nova knjiga Milana Mijatovića "Poezija se najbolje čita u gaćama" u izdanju Izdavačke kuće Liber (edicija Total Underground), u zanimljivom džepnom formatu A6, sa mojim dizajnom :)
Koristila sam trenutno omiljeni mi font Clarendon :) Inače, prva ideja je bila da tekst zaista bude odštampan ili ispisan na gaćicama, ali nije se stiglo (to i nije opravdanje,,,) a i možda bi bilo previše ličilo na Sagmeistera...
"Inspiracija" za ovaj dizajn bila je knjiga Beleške starog pokvarenjaka (Notes of a dirty old man) Čarlsa Bukovskog, ne znam ko je radio dizajn, ali obožavam.

Reviewer, designer and author with the only one pair of pants made after printing the book

New book "Poetry is best read in the underwear" (not sure about this translated title, sorry) by Milan Mijatović coming out soon. Publisher: Liber (Total Underground edition). Designed by me :)
With my at the moment favourite font Clarendon. The first idea was to print or do the handwriting on the underwear, but there was no time, and perhaps it would be very Sagmeister-like.
By the way, inspiration for this design was the book Notes of a dirty old man, by Charles Bukowski, and unfortunately I don't know who did the cover, but I dig it. If anybody knows, please let me know.
Pa , rekao sam ti da je odlican dizajn
Jesi :))
ReplyDeleteWicked!!! Totalno kul :)
ReplyDeleteSvidja mi se tvoj rad!!! :)