Monday, May 11, 2009

Katalonska sveska, unutra | Catalan issue, inside

Knjiga + audio disk (autori čitaju poeziju uz muziku) i čimbomba, tradicionalni majorkanski instrument (samo kao ilustracija, ne dobija se uz knjigu ;) | Book + audio disc (authors reading poetry with music background) & the ximbomba, a traditional Mallorcan instrument (just for illustration, doesn't go with the book ;)

me & ma fav poster, for the performance of Enric Casasses in the spanish bar Casa Garcia
(It was made quite intuitive, actually I wasn't sure why did I put the chair, but later on Enric climbed on the chair in the bar and recited from there :)


  1. lepo ovo izgleda

  2. Bas mi se svidja.

  3. Pozdrav Dragani. Super ti je blog. Samo, ima da se cita i cita, a nema se trenutno vremena:)
