ili Ništa nije slučajno...
Nekim čudnim spletom okolnosti pre nekoliko dana videla sam svoj blog na sajtu newsodrome. U delu art, kao jedan od predstavljenih značajnih blogova na tu temu. Baš me zanimalo kako je moj blog dospeo tamo pa sam se obratila autorima/osnivačima sajta.
Jedan od njih je Itai Lahan, inače iz Izraela, i odgovorio je da je Newsodrome novi sajt - servis, medijum izmedju blogosfere i publike. Najinteresantije blogove bira automatizovana veštačka inteligencija, tj. program koji je tog dana izabrao između ostalih i jedan moj post. (Itai je ljubazno dozvolio da objavim post o tome)
Nešto više o tome i na njihovom blogu gde možda slučajno naiđete na svoj blog ili pronađete nešto zanimljivo...
Or Nothing's Accidental...
By some strange circumstances I found my blog presented on newsodrome couple a days ago. On the page Top Art News, as one of the significant blogs on that topic for the day. That made me very curious how did it get there, so I wrote to the authours/founders of the site.
One of them, Itai Lahan, from Israel, answered that Newsodrome is a new service, quite in its infancy, trying to bridge the gap between the blogosphere and the general public. They do that by automatically gathering the most interesting up-to-date blog news on a wide variety of topics.
One of their topics is "Art", and their automatic artificial intelligence decided that I had a very interesting post.
(So thanks to the computer :) and the courtesy of mr Lahan)
More about on newsodrome blog where you can accidentaly bump into your blog or found something else interesting...
Hi Dragana :)
ReplyDeleteHappy to have your blog on Newsodrome!
Thanks for the mention,
- Itai Lahan. Newsodrome