Moja draga prijateljica Danijela Kambasković-Sawers je dobila mesto docenta na Western Australia Univerzitetu u Pertu! Oblast - Šekspir i renesansne studije. U svom predavanju je upotrebila i jedan moj crtež, urađen specijalno za tu priliku kao ilustraciju na temu "Ljubav i smrt u Renesansi"
Prvi deo predavanja je "love and death - l'amour et la mort - sounds good: but why are we learning this? Understanding the past and the part we play in the continuity of Western culture."
Trebalo bi da postavi na net uskoro, nadam se.
Do tada, možete pogledati malo više o Univerzitetu na
My dear friend Danijela Kambasković-Sawers has just won the position of Assistant Professor (Shakespeare and Renaissance Studies) at the University of Western Australia in Perth! In her lecture she used one drawing of mine, made specially for the occasion on the theme "Love and Death in the Renaissance".
The whole lecture should be on the net soon, I hope so.
Until then, here's the link for the University.
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