Friday, October 23, 2015

Dođi na jedno čudno mesto, Vesna Aleksić, Kreativni centar

Dizajn korica i male ilustracije poglavlja za novu knjigu Vesne Aleksić za tinejdžere, 
Izdavač: Kreativni centar, Beograd

Cover design and small chapter illustrations for the teenage book Come to a Strange Place by Vesna Aleksić. 
Publisher: Kreativni centar, Belgrade

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Collage for Le Monde Diplomatique in Serbian

Moja ilustracija za srpsko izdanje magazina Le Monde Diplomatique koji izlazi jednom mesečno uz Nedeljnik. Hvala Ivici Mladenoviću na pozivu da učestvujem.
My illustration for Serbian edition of Le Monde Diplomatique magazine, published monthly, and coming as a part of a weekly magazine Nedeljnik. Thanks to Ivica Mladenović for inviting me.

Le Monde Diplomatique dates back to 1954. It began as a journal to keep diplomats up to date on world events. It is a monthly newspaper offering analysis and opinion on politics, culture, and current affairs. Based in Paris, under the umbrella of the French daily newspaper Le Monde, it soon acquired an international reputation for its incisive monthly articles. In 1996 it won editorial and financial independence by forming its own company. LMD is now more than ever a truly international newspaper linking people who take a serious interest in world events across the globe. 2.5 million people worldwide read Le Monde Diplomatique, there are 72 different editions (print and internet) and it is published in 26 languages.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Pustolovina na ostrvu ptica, Aleksandar Sekulov, Kreativni centar

Dizajn korica za novu ediciju za tinejdžere Moj svet i knjigu bugarskog pisca Aleksandra Sekulova Pustolovina na ostrvu ptica.
Izdavač: Kreativni centar, Beograd

Cover design for a teenage book by Bulgarian author Aleksandar Sekulov.
Publisher: Kreativni centar, Belgrade, Serbia

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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

17 godina i neviđeno zgodan, Ema Granholm, Kreativni centar

Dizajn korica za knjigu za tinejdžere 17 godina i neviđeno zgodan, švedske autorke Eme Granholm,
(uz pomoć kolege Dušana Pavlića koji je sredio kosu :) )
Izdavač: Kreativni centar
Design for a teenage book by Swedish author Emma Granholm.
Publisher: Kreativni centar

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