Friday, October 31, 2014

Fair Play, International Poster Exhibition in Isfahan, Iran

Fair Play, International Poster Exhibition
From 23th October till 21st November 2014.
Contemporary Arts Museum, Isfahan, Iran

Thanks to Hamid Nejati for the kind invitation to participate on this event with my three Poezin posters.


Nagrada na 59. Beogradskom sajmu knjiga / Belgrade Book Fair Special Award

Specijalno priznanje 59. Beogradskog sajma knjiga za mladog dizajnera "Bogdan Kršić"
Drago mi je što nagrada nosi ime ovog velikog umetnika
Hvala Trećem Trgu, Biserki Rajčić, prevodiocu i priređivaču ovih knjiga i svima koji su me podržavali.
Na koricama su korišćeni crteži Tadeuša Ruževiča, uz dozvolu samog autora i kolaži Vislave Šimborske iz privatne kolekcije Biserke Rajčić.

"Žiri je odlučio da dodeli i specijalno priznanje za mladog dizajnera koje je pripalo Dragani Nikolić za likovno-grafičku opremu knjige izabranih pesama Vislave Šimborske i Tadeuša Ruževiča, u izdanju Trećeg trga i Čigoja štampe.
Prema oceni žirija, Nikolićeva je primećena po originalnim i kvalitetnim rešenjima koja su obogatila našu savremenu izdavačku scenu.
Jednostavnošću i odmerenošću pri likovnom i grafičkom oblikovanju ove edicije, vešto je uklopila tipografiju i ilustraciju u jednu celinu".
za likovno-grafičku opremu knjige izabranih pesama Vislave Šimborske i Tadeuša Ruževiča, u izdanju T...

Originalno objavljeno na stranici © svet
Belgrade Book Fair Special Young Designer Award "Bogdan Kršić" for my design of Collected Poems by Wisława Szymborska and Tadeusz Różewicz, translated by Biserka Rajčić and published by Treći Trg.

On the cover: Collages by Wisława Szymborska, from Biserka Rajčić's private collection.

On the cover: Drawings by Tadeusz Różewicz, published with the approval by the author.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The First Japa Group Social Poster Exhibition, Tehran, Iran

Three posters of mine featured on the "First Japa Group Social Poster Exhibition" in Tehran, Iran. 
Exhibition features works by 83 talented designers from more than 30 different countries.
I was honored to present my work among some of the best poster designers such as Milton Glaser, Reza Abedini, Sergio Olivotti, Peter Bankov, Isidro Ferrer and many more.
Thanks to Behnam Raeesian for the kind invitation.

From the opening of the exhibition in Tehran, Iran. 

18-22 October, Iranian Artist Forum

Monday, October 13, 2014

Kreativni centar Book catalogue, 2014/2015

Cover design and layout of the Book Catalogue 2014/2015 for the publishing house Kreativni centar, that is celebrating 25 years from the first book.
Illustration on the cover by Dušan Pavlić (from the book Exercises in Style) :)

Dizajn korica i prelom Kataloga knjiga 2014/2015 za izdavačku kuću Kreativni centar, koja ove godine slavi 25 godina od prve knjige.
Ilustracija na koricama: Dušan Pavlić (iz knjige Stilske igre).

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Gilles Deleuze, Nietzsche

New cover design for a philosophical book Nietzsche by Gilles Deleuze.
On the cover: Sculpture by Jean Tinguely
Translated to Slovenian by Jelka Kernev Štrajn.
Publisher: Polica Dubova, Slovenia.

The book Nietzsche has long been recognized as one of the most important accounts of Nietzsche's philosophy, acclaimed for its rare combination of scholarly rigour and imaginative interpretation. Yet this is more than a major work on Nietzsche: the book opened a whole new avenue in post-war thought. Here Deleuze shows how Nietzsche began a new way of thinking which breaks with the dialectic as a method and escapes the confines of philosophy itself.

Gilles Deleuze (1925 –1995) was a French philosopher who, from the early 1960s until his death, wrote influentially on philosophy, literature, film, and fine art.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Poster for a Slam Performance in Zagreb, Croatia

Poster for a Slam Performance of Serbian and Croatian poets in the club Močvara (Swamp) in Zagreb, Croatia.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Richter 83, The First Japa Group Social Posters Exhibition, Tehran, Iran

83 artist Around The World = 83 Richter 
So happy and proud to participate on this international social posters exhibition, Richter 83, in the company of such an amazing designers like Milton Glaser, Reza Abedini, Sergio Olivotti, Peter Bankov, Isidro Ferrer and many others. 
The exhibition will take place between Oct. 18-22, 2014, in Tehran, Iran, thanks to the Japa group and Iranian Artists Forum. Many thanks to Behnam Raeesian for organizing this and for the invitation. 

Srećna sam i ponosna što ću učestvovati na međunarodnoj izložbi socijalno angažovanih plakata Richter 83, među takvim velikim imenima kao što su Milton Glejzer, Reza Abedini, Serđo Olivoti, Peter Bankov, Isidro Ferer i mnogi drugi.
Izložba traje od 18. do 22. oktobra 2014, Iranski umetnički forum, Teheran, Iran. 
Hvala Benamu Raisjanu za poziv da budem deo ove izložbe.