Thursday, August 28, 2014

Type Plus book by Unit Editions

Two of my Poezin posters are included in the new book Type Plus, published by Unit Editions, London, UK.
Proud to be among such great designers like Paula Scher and many others..

Book launch is on the September 4th, 7-9 pm
KK Outlet, 42 Hoxton Square
London N1 6PB
Exhibition runs 1-6 September

Type Plus investigates the practice of combining typography with images to increase effectiveness, potency and visual impact. Today, graphic designers use type in partnership with graphic elements in ways that turbo charge meaning and impact.
Type plus image – or images – can greatly enhance typographic expression. And letter forms themselves, when redrawn, combined, distorted, or augmented with decorative embellishments, can enhance meaning and lend emotive qualities to all kinds of typographic communication.
By focusing on a host of contemporary practitioners from around the world, Type Plus creates a picture of a new dynamism in typographic expression. The era of type as a passive, semi-invisible holder of meaning is long gone.
Book includes interviews with Non Format, Two Points.Net and Erik Brandt.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Praistorija u Muzeju Vojvodine - vodič za decu i početnike / Prehistory in Museum of Vojvodina, guide for children and beginners

Pored još šest ilustratora (Mira Mogin, Siniša Sumina, Aleksandar Stojšić, Vesna Stojaković, Dalibor Grgurić, Dr Aleksandar Kapuran) učestvovala sam i ja (ovde sam postavila neke od mojih ilustracija). Na tome smo radili pre skoro 10 godina, dok sam još studirala na novosadskoj Akademiji umetnosti. :)
Hvala Lidiji Balj na pozivu da učestvujem na ovom projektu i lepoj saradnji.

Prehistory in the Museum of Vojvodina, guide for children and beginners, by Mr Lidija Balj and Vladimira Stanisavljević, just came out as Museum of Vojvodina's publication.
Beside six more illustrators I was also working on the book, and here are some of mine illustration. It was done almost 10 years ago, while I was still studying on the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, and it's interesting for me to see how I used to work before.
Thanks to Lidija Balj for inviting me to be a part of this project and for nice cooperation.

Monday, August 25, 2014

The Drought, J.G. Ballard, in Slovenian

Cover design for The Drought, famous science-fiction book from 1965, by J.G. Ballard, in Slovenian,
translated by Iztok Osojnik
Publisher: Polica Dubova, Slovenia

Eci, Peci, Pec - children book cover

Dizajn korica za knjigu za decu Eci, Peci, Pec, autorke Vere Smiljanić. 
Ilustracije: Nikola Vitković
Izdavač: Kreativni centar

Cover design for children's book Eci, Peci, Pec, by Vera Smiljanić
Illustration by Nikola Vitković
Publisher: Kreativni centar

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Saturday, August 16, 2014

ZLO NE SPAVA, Iz pasaža u pasaž, poster for slam performance

From passage to passage
Poster for Poezin slam performance
Friday, August 22nd, 8pm, Šok Zadruga, Novi Sad

Friday, August 8, 2014

FAIR PLAY 2014, International Poster Exhibition, Arak, Iran

Photos from the exhibition FAIR PLAY 2014, Arak, Iran
My Poezin posters on the box on the left
Thanks to Hamid Nejati :)

Monday, August 4, 2014

1st International Poster Exhibition FAIR PLAY 2014 in Iran

Fair Play 2014, prva međunarodna izložba plakata, Arak, Iran.
Drago mi je što će i nekoliko mojih plakata biti deo ove izložbe.
Hvala Hamidu Nejatiju na ljubaznom pozivu da učestvujem.

Fair Play 2014, 1st International Poster Exhibition, August 2014, Iran.
I am glad to showcase some of my posters among such great designers.
Thanks to Hamid Neyati for inviting me to be a part of this event.